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With the increased use of devices such as smartphones and tablets, visits to websites are increasingly coming from mobile devices compared to the conventional personal computer or laptop-based traffic, it's important to make sure that your site is responsive to mobile devices.

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On many mobile devices, the existing website for a company or brand may not appear or function well on a mobile device. The smaller screen, the touch screen technology, and the mobile device processor may make it difficult for some websites to look and function correctly.

This issue is a huge concern for many websites that want to capitalize on mobile SEO.

The method many businesses or brands head towards is sometimes a waste. Many companies develop completely separate websites that exclusively function on mobile devices. What usually happens is a visitor is redirected to site.

Although the heart is in the right place, this can be a waste of time and money.

First, there are multiple mobile devices on the market with each having their own processing systems. As a result, the exclusively made website better be functional on all devices or else the website will not be functional for some users.

Secondly, there are new programming options that can make an existing website for a business or a brand responsive on any mobile device.

Called responsive design, this web development process, allows you to have a single website that adapts to the screen it's viewed upon. Instead of having multiple pages and sites to keep up with, this method allows you the ability to monitor and administrate a single set of pages that flow and adapt to the different displays.

Responsive web design is efficient since the existing website is applied with this programming code instead of creating new website portals that redirect the user. This also universalizes the website, making any user access the same website like any other consumer. Which ultimately helps with internet marketing since it allows the same URL link to be networked and shared across the internet through all devices, mobile or conventional computers. It also saves time on web development, allowing the business to channel funds to other investments instead of focusing on website programming.

Mobile website designs have the ability to capture new customers and increase brand awareness. However, having a functional mobile website is the only way companies or brands can capitalize on the trend of internet marketing. With responsive design programming, the site can be seen in a formatted manner on any device anywhere.

Are you capturing all the visitors to your website or are you losing them because your site is not mobile friendly?

If you have not taken care of this vital element of your online presence and visitor's user experience, we can help. Click this link to visit our web design service page to learn how we can help you get a mobile responsive website.

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