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Online Marketing For Doctors: 9 Critical Resources To Get New Patients

Written by Darrell Evans | 7/28/16 7:48 PM

Online marketing for doctors can be overwhelming. There's so much different information out there. It's hard to know where to start.

Because of this, you may be thinking about hiring an internet marketing agency to handle all of your online marketing. Maybe you prefer to stick to your old school marketing techniques and hope for the best. Either way, it's important to know how to navigate a world dominated by the internet.

We've put together this is why we've created this guide for you.

Below, we'll be covering several online medical marketing topics such as:

What You Need to Know About Internet Marketing for Doctors

3 Frustrating Changes to the Healthcare Online Marketing

As medical marketing strategies fully embraced digital, many frustrations arose amongst health professionals. Despite the annoyances, these significant changes have proven to be beneficial for doctors across various specializations; from online reviews playing a role in patient decision making to doctors now being able to more freely engage with their patients online and outside of the office.

6 Simple Steps for Marketing Your Medical Practice Effectively

Like a traditional marketing strategy, a successful online marketing strategy for any medical practice starts with identifying an audience of people who are most likely to become a patient.

You must also consider digital advertising, and user generated content based on patient testimonials.

3 Ways to Effectively Market Elective Surgery Procedures

Do you know what it truly takes to market your procedures successfully online if you’re an elective surgeon? We are aware it’s tough, but it is doable. Does a website, buyer personas, blogging or social media ring a bell?

The web now offers substantial growth opportunities for medical practices. It all stems from the effectiveness of your website and understanding the psychology behind how to persuade your patients.

4 Key Ingredients of a Patient-Attracting Medical Website

Like your office, your website is a direct reflection of how patients view you as a reputable medical professional. Your website plays a vital role in your ability to gain new patients and present your practice as an industry leader.

If your goal is to convert website visitors into new patients for your office, your website design and functionality along with the quality of your web content are keys to your success.

Introduction to Online Reputation Management for Medical Practices

Did you know, consumers make their purchasing decisions online before stepping foot in a medical facility of their choice?

As a medical professional, your reputation within your field and among your patients is one of your most valuable assets.

With more people turning to the internet to search all things health-related from remedies to soothe their aches and pains to selecting the most suitable doctor to seek treatment, doctors need to start actively managing their online reputation.

4 Incredibly Effective Ways to Get New Patients from Online Medical Marketing

The success of your                depends on your ability to:

  • Create a website that easily introduces your medical practice to prospective patients,
  • Provide educational content that captivates your audience;
  • Use social media as a patient generation tool.

Maximizing Your Patient Outreach Online with Social Media Marketing

3 Ways Using Social Media for Your Medical Business Generates New Patients Leads

Social media is one of the most powerful online marketing tools out there. Its ability to put you directly in front of past, present and future patients is reason alone to embrace this massive platform.

Through the use of several social media strategies you can enhance your opportunity to create new customer leads through education, networking, and promotion.

7 Social Media Secrets for Doctors from Dr. Miami

It's rare you come across a surgeon who is killing (no pun intended) it online thanks to social media. So much so, that he becomes an instant Internet sensation.

His name is Dr. Miami. With his tactics, he proves that social media for doctors is a far cry from a waste of time, money and resources.

If you're a physician who's eager to take your practice to the next level, Dr. Miami's seven secrets are a great place to start.

How Social Media Marketing with Facebook Impacted the Healthcare Industry

Facebook and the healthcare industry have become one. Consumers concerned about their health have turned to social media for two reasons:

  • (1) To express their health issues; or
  • (2) To seek advice from the best practitioners to find for various medical services.

Facebook, in particular, has become the consumers social platform of choice. As a result, more health professionals are turning to this popular social media platform to engage with more health concerned users. Other platforms such as Twitter and Instagram are perfect places to connect with industry influencers.

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