Yokel Local

7 Ways to Incorporate Videos on Your Law Firm Website

Written by Darrell Evans | 3/16/22 5:00 PM


You probably have an inkling that videos will help level up your law firm’s website. But incorporating videos can be daunting — from idea generation to filming, to actually uploading them onto your law firm's website. 

We have good news: You don’t need a special degree in film or fancy equipment to add videos to your site. In fact, there are many fun ways to integrate law firm video marketing into your digital strategy. 

The first step to getting started with video marketing for lawyers? Read this blog all the way through, then come to us with questions if you’re still stuck. We’re happy to help.

How Do Videos Help Law Firms?

When you browse the internet, a big chunk of time is probably spent watching videos. According to recent data, one-third of all online users spend their time watching videos! Here are a few other reasons law firm videos can help your company thrive: 

  • You are 53 times more likely to rank better than your competitors on Google if you have a video on your website. 
  • Videos connect well with mobile users, and the trend rises by 100 percent every year. 
  • A good video on your website landing page can increase conversions by 80 percent

So, where do you begin?

Tips For The Most Effective & Professional Law Firm Videos

Plan ahead. 

What type of video content will you create and how often will you create it? Will the videos only be for your website, or will you add them to your social platforms, too? If you have a content calendar, be sure to add a video strategy to it. For adding videos to your website, set clear deadlines for various tasks such as concept ideation, script-writing, filming, editing, and uploading.

Hire someone to create videos. 

While you don’t necessarily need expensive equipment to produce video, it is helpful to have a person or team dedicated to video strategy. Whether it’s a full-time videographer, a part-time contractor or it becomes part of the job of your social media manager using an iPhone, you’ll want to make video strategy a dedicated part of someone’s job description. This will ensure that video stays at the forefront of your social media strategy — not as an afterthought. 

Answer questions directly. 

Many people go onto law firm websites seeking answers. So, what questions do you find people asking lawyers frequently? How can your video content be useful and reward the person watching it? Make sure to provide useful tips. (An added bonus: this will also help your website do well on organic search!)

Include a call to action. 

What’s an informative video without a clear call to action? Be sure to be direct about what you want your user to do after finishing the video. Maybe it’s signing up for a consultation, following your social platforms, or clicking on your website and exploring. 

Add your logo. 

Animate your logo into the beginning and end of your law firm videos to increase recognition and awareness of your law firm. Make sure your hard work producing videos  pays off with the law firm recognition you’re looking for!

Don’t forget about TikTok. 

TikTok is good for more than just dancing videos. The app surpassed Google as the most popular website of the year in 2021! Some law firms have garnered as much as 1 million views on TikTok, and you can get some helpful law firm video reviews in the comments. Pay attention to trending sounds, then get creative and add it to your social media strategy. Be sure to add TikTok as a social media button at the footer of your law firm’s website to ensure users can get to it.

Tweak strategy depending on the platform. 

A video for your YouTube channel might not work for the homepage of your website. Similarly, even an Instagram Reel may perform as well as posting that same video on TikTok. Think about your target audience and who is on each platform and tweak your video content accordingly. 

How to Add Videos to Your Website

Videos can easily capture the attention of the target audience for your website. Although adding a video to your website might seem intimidating, a typical content management system (CMS) should offer you a simple way to add videos. 

The way to actually put a law firm video on your website will vary depending on what CMS you use (examples of CMSes include WordPress, HubSpot, Contentful, etc.) However, across the board, you will likely need to embed your video. 

Some CMSes will allow you to embed it using the URL of your desired video (that would be, www.youtube.com slash, your video’s name). For others, you’ll need to find the embed code. That might be under the “share” icon in a YouTube video or under Advanced Settings for a Facebook video. 

7 Ways to Incorporate Videos on Your Law Firm Website

Now let’s get started! Here are a few ways to incorporate videos into your law firm’s website, from testimonials to thank you pages.

1. Use Testimonial Videos to Gain Trust

Testimonial videos can be some of your most successful law firm videos. In fact, two out of three people say they’d be more likely to make a purchase after watching a testimonial video demonstrating how a business helped another person like them. To increase conversions and build trust among the users who visit your website, testimonial videos are an ideal choice. 

2. Use a Corporate Overview Video on Your Home Page

Home page videos are a surefire way to capture a user’s attention and keep them on your website. The average user spends 88 percent more time on a website with video than one without! Some companies will use soundless background videos over their website’s jumbotron, while others might have an automatically-playing video upon opening the home page. Regardless of which route you go, incorporating video on your home page will almost always be more effective than a static site. 

3. Use Videos to Explain Complex Legal Questions & Services

No one has time for dense, difficult-to-read content. (And let’s be honest, when it comes to legal advice, it’s easy to ramble!) An explainer video allows you to take 300 words that you might not have room for on your website and cut it down to a 30-second spot. It’s visual, it’s helpful, and it can lead to quality conversions. 

4. Use Videos on Landing Pages

Landing pages — or the page that someone lands on when they click a link from your social profile or an email — are a great opportunity for video. By including a video on a landing page, you can increase your conversions by up to 80 percent! Additionally, 40 percent of consumers say video increases the chance they’ll purchase a product on their mobile devices. In other words, if someone lands on your law firm video, they may be more likely to explore and learn what your law firm is all about. 

5. Use Videos on Blog Posts

Did you know that videos now have an advantage over text-only results in organic search? To level up your blog posts and ensure they hit the front page of Google, incorporate video! Explainer law firm videos are a great way to help consumers get the information they need, especially when they are searching for answers to law-related questions on Google. 

6. Use Videos on Your About or Team Page

Potential job candidates exploring your law firm’s website will naturally be curious about the company culture. That’s why incorporating a video into your About page or Team page is a win-win. You can showcase the type of people that work there, give a viewing of what the office looks like, and even incorporate employee testimonials — inspiring qualified candidates to click that “apply now” button.

7. Place a Video on Thank You Pages

When you make an in-store purchase or leave an in-person meeting, it’s typical to get a “thank you” from the person selling the product or service. But when selling online services, that “thank you” isn’t guaranteed. Enter: Thank you pages. These are pages that will thank a visitor for buying a service. And adding a video to that thank you page will help make your consumers happy — studies show that consumers want more personal content. Adding a video to your thank you pages is a great way to do just that. 

Our Favorite CMS, HubSpot, Makes Embedding Videos an Easy Task

Want to incorporate videos to your law firm website, but are not sure where to begin with implementing them?  HubSpot CMS makes it easy. Embed videos onto everything from your web pages to landing pages to emails with a couple of simple clicks.

Need Help Implementing Video Marketing to Increase Leads & Clients?

At Yokel Local, we specialize in helping our clients achieve their goals and increase their leads. Learn more about what we do and see if we’re a great fit for your firm or reach out to us with your questions. Happy filming!