SEO Case Study:



Organic Traffic Growth (in Two Years)


Keywords Ranking on Google

4x Sales

By Year Three

The Summary

If your customers can’t find your business online, they’ll never even know you’re an option when they need your help. That’s the problem The Cooling Company struggled with. This HVAC business missed out on early digital opportunities and was losing business to more visible competitors. After working with us, The Cooling Company witnessed a 357% increase in ranked keywords and a 2,921% increase in organic traffic. Six months after our partnership ended, this increase in traffic continued to climb 11,683%, as the content we created gained even more traction online.

Their Goal

The Cooling Company wanted to grow their HVAC repair and installation business. However, like many brick-and-mortar companies, the owners were somewhat intimidated by the internet and were late to expand their digital presence. Fortunately, they knew this was the space with the greatest opportunity for attracting new customers. They wanted their business to be found when people searched for HVAC-related keywords and were ready to work toward that goal. Despite their enthusiasm, the managerial team realized they wouldn’t be able to do everything on their own.

Our Solution

First, we built The Cooling Company’s marketing infrastructure from the ground up. Our initial goal was to drive traffic to the site and get it ranking for the key phrases desired. When The Cooling Company began working with us in February 2017, its website only had 331 website visitors in a month and ranked for 1,880 keywords on Google. By September 2018, Yokel Local increased monthly organic traffic by 2,317% to 8,000, and the number of keywords ranked on Google increased by 240%, from 1,880 to 6,400.

After building The Cooling Company a reliable stream of traffic, we then turned our attention to lead conversion strategies to make better use of the new traffic the site was getting. The Yokel Local team began implementing email marketing, marketing automation, and lead scoring to better reach out to prospects and nurture them into leads. We incorporated tools such as HubSpot Marketing and the HubSpot Content Management System to manage The Cooling Company’s content, marketing, and client outreach needs. 

Yokel Local’s SEO and marketing strategies quadrupled The Cooling Company’s sales and helped it rank on the first page of Google for most of the keyword phrases targeted. The HVAC business was finally bringing in the customers it once had to watch go to competitors and it finally had a marketing plan that focused on all stages of the customer’s life cycle. By January 2019, organic traffic increased by 2,291% to 10,000 visitors per month and their number of keywords ranked on Google increased by 357% to 8,600. 

Yokel Local also prepped The Cooling Company to continue their marketing success. One of our founders mentored the son of The Cooling Company’s owners, who wanted to form his own marketing agency. Once his agency was on solid footing, we turned over the reins of The Cooling Company’s marketing campaign so he could continue the same inbound marketing strategies.

Even though our time working with The Cooling Company ended, the business still continued to reap the benefits of our marketing efforts. The blogs we created continued to bring in more visitors to the site, and by June 2019, organic traffic increased by 11,683% to 39,000 monthly visitors from the February 2017 number of 331. The number of keywords the website ranked for on Google increased to 15,000, a 698% increase from the 1,880 it ranked for in February 2017. 

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