Buyer's Journey

17 Activities to Inspire You to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

by Sha Drena Simon . October 18, 2017
Become a better leader, entrepreneur, or business owner by pushing outside your comfort zone.


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It is said that the best types of growth(personal and professional) happen outside of our comfort zones. If you are a change-driving entrepreneur or business owner, it is crucial that you stay creative and inspired. Experimentation and adventure are important for success.

If you feel like your creative rut may be preventing you from coming up with ideas that can help you to reach your business goals, it may just be time for you to try something new.

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Things to Do to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone on a Daily Basis

There are many ways we can get out of our own comfort zones around us every day, but we may be too caught up in our routines to notice.

If you are ready to experience some serious inspiration, try the following activities.

1. Put Your Devices Down

One of the easiest ways you can remain stuck in a rut is to be glued to an electronic device. Try walking away from your devices for a day to see what ideas you can come up with to entertain yourself.

2. Get Creative

Find out if your community offers art events, attend a poetry reading, sign up for a creative writing workshop, or pay a visit to a "paint your own pottery" studio. You just may discover a new talent!

3. Try a New Language

Learning a new language can increase your creativity because it offers you a new way to look at the world. Simply watching a movie in a foreign language can help you to think outside the box.

4. Get Active

Train for a triathlon, take a kickboxing class, try commuting by bicycle Pushing your physical limits is an invigorating way to discover what you are capable of.

5. Change Your Routine

Take a new route to work. Wake up early. Stay up late. Try a new market. You may be so comfortable in your routine that you don’t even realize it is sapping your creativity.

6. Get Adventurous

Giving skydiving a try will help you to see things from a new perspective, but if you aren’t ready to jump out of a plane just yet, you can also sign-up for a trapeze lesson or buy a plane ticket.

7. Create Challenges

Push your limits, and you might be surprised by what you are capable of accomplishing. Whether at work or home, it’s important to test your own boundaries if you want to keep growing.

8. Get Involved

Becoming involved in your community can help you meet new people and experience new situations. It feels good to contribute, and it may help you to view life through a different lens.

9. Confront Your Fears

Do you scream every time you see a spider? Are you afraid of heights? It might be time to try to calmly remove that next spider from your house or to take an elevator to the observation deck of a skyscraper.

10. Get Started

Taking the first step can be the hardest part of any journey, but it can also be the most rewarding. You never know where it might take you.

11. Toss a Coin

For once, instead of stressing over every last detail, let chance decide your fate. Commit to whichever action the coin flip demands, and then see it through.

12. Get Outside

Visit a national park, finally try that nature trail that winds throughout your neighborhood, or rent a bike at the beach. Being outdoors can give you a fresh new perspective.

13. Let Someone Else Make the Plans

Planning is usually a joint effort, and you can try something new by merely relinquishing all control of your next outing. This weekend, let your friend make all the plans.

14. Get Outside of Your Head

Reading a book is one of the best ways to get outside of your own head and into someone else’s. Seeing life through another person’s perspective can be a real eye-opener.

15. Try a New Food

Have you ever dined at an Ethiopian restaurant? Could you identify German schnitzel if you saw it? Find a restaurant you hadn’t thought about before and give it a try.

16. Get Vocal

Read your poetry. Join Toastmasters. Public speaking is something most people tend to avoid as much as possible. If this describes you, try speaking at an event.

17. When All Else Fails, Take a Nap

Being sleepy can significantly contribute to a lack of inspiration and creativity. If you are so used to powering through your day while you are exhausted that it has become second-nature, it may be time for a power nap. Even a 20-minute daily nap can boost your alertness, and 50-minute naps have been shown to heighten creativity.

One thing most successful business owners and entrepreneurs have in common is their willingness to take a chance and try something new. After all, if you weren’t willing to try new things, you wouldn’t have become the owner of your own business in the first place! It is easy to get comfortable in your routine, but if you are too comfortable, it may be time to change things up a bit.

Challenge yourself to try something new every day, and you may just find yourself pleasantly surprised by how much you can accomplish.

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