AMP Up Your eCommerce Revenue and ROI During COVID-19

by Darrell Evans . September 14, 2020
More people are shopping on their phones than ever due to COVID-19. Find out how to drive revenue by using AMP to improve your site's loading speeds.


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If you are engaged in ecommerce (like an increasing number of businesses during this pandemic), did you know that AMP can increase your profit and improve your return on investment?

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You may not be familiar with AMP, but that doesn’t mean that it is any less impactful. The reality is that AMP could be causing your business conversion problems without you even knowing it!

Trust us, your prospects prefer AMP. Keep reading to learn why they do and how to implement AMP for your website.

The Need For Speed

AMP, formerly known as Accelerated Mobile Pages is an open-source framework built by Google that increases mobile website speed. Various organizations utilize it to develop easy-to-use, engaging, high-quality web pages through the help of their developer’s skill set.

A 2017 Forrester study on the economic impact of AMP revealed its following benefits in ecommerce. It states that AMP:

  • Boosts web page speed and increases customer satisfaction: Through AMP, your web pages will load almost instantly. Fast and accurate loading time on various mobile devices boosts customer satisfaction and increases the length of time that they stay on your website.
  • Produces high traffic volume and better sales conversion: Due to its profitable and useful feedback, more than 4 billion published web pages have used AMP since 2017. More than 200 organizations that offer CMS, ad tech, and analytics services now support the AMP format.
  • Permits the reliable and secure delivery of mobile services: AMP helps customers and online sellers keep up with the high volume of demand and supply transactions worldwide. It allows both parties to have a smooth yet secure transaction.

Another study by WompMobile and Perficient Digital proved that AMP could foster better results in the following aspects:

  • Ranking: Proper utilization of AMP can increase a web page’s organic views of about 32.1% rise in organic traffic in ecommerce websites.
  • Customer Engagement and Conversion Rate: AMP improved SERP impression with a whopping 42.16% increase in ecommerce sites. Click-through rates also went up for about 12.4% in ecommerce sites.

Apply AMP to Your Website

There are three ways you can apply AMP to your business’s website:

AMP has a massive impact on the loading and response time in billions of websites worldwide. It improves website performance, which allows an average increase of about 27% in online traffic and engagement. AMP will make your business more competitive in this fast-paced online world.

We specialize in optimizing websites for businesses that need more online visibility and organic traffic. Talk to us to learn more about how we can increase your company’s lead generation online.

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